Sunday 8 June 2008

Kelly in child porn trial

R. Kelly, 41, is charged with 14 counts of child pornography for allegedly videotaping himself having sex with an underage girl. He has pleaded not guilty and faces up to 15 years in prison if convicted. His lawyers are calling relatives of the alleged victim to testify that she is not the person in the sex video at the centre of the case. So far, seven relatives of the alleged victim have testified - four prosecution witnesses who said earlier that they recognised the woman, and three who said yesterday they did not. Prosecutors allege the girl was as young as 13 when the tape was made. Both Kelly and the alleged victim deny they are on the graphic, 27-minute tape.The singer, in a honey-brown suit and bright flower-pattern tie, appeared attentive yesterday. The defence sought to discredit the testimony of a star prosecution witness, Lisa Van Allen, who told jurors she engaged in three-way sex with Kelly and the alleged victim. A law clerk for the defence, Jason Wallace, told jurors Van Allen's fiance, Yul Brown, sought $300,000 from Kelly in return for a promise not to testify against him.